I wrote some time ago about driving from Houston to Chicago just so I could see a ball game in Wrigley Field before they put lights up on the stadium. I made that trip alone. At various times in my life I have seen games in Philadelphia, Kansas City, St. Louis, Los Angeles, Anaheim, Baltimore & San Diego.
When I moved to the city in which I now live, I found a friend who also loves baseball. He and I travel together to see games at various stadiums around the country. We have been to Dallas, Detroit, Toronto, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, New York, Montreal, Boston, Cleveland, San Francisco, Oakland, as well as Cooperstown to see the Hall of Fame.
There are still several Major League cities I have yet to see. Plus there are new ball parks in some of the cities, so I get to go back to them to compare the old stadiums to the new ons.
And I need to see Wrigley with lights!