Monday, April 23, 2007

Raining Cats and Dogs!

The thought of "raining cats and dogs", makes me wonder about where such statements origingate, but it also makes me think of lots of other things we say that make me laugh. I want to share a few with you this morning before I go get into my tux.

Being a big baseball fan, I was very happy when I learned that the very first words of the Bible are that "In the big inning, God created the heavens and the earth." I do not know how He got distracted in the middle of the big inning, maybe there was a pitching change, and He got bored. Or maybe he already knew the outcome. But what ever caused the distraction, He did some good work, don't you think!

And you tennis fans are probably aware of the biblical reference to your sport, in that Moses served in Pharaoh's court! It must have been a powerful serve, because the next thing you know Moses was made to leave the country.

When we were in church, I always got a bit nervous when we sang about "Gladly, the cross-eyed bear." But I never saw him, so maybe he lived somewhere else.

And I thought how lucky the folks in north west Texas were when we sang, "Have you seen Jesus, my Lord? He's here in PLAINVIEW."
I have never been to Plainview, but it must be heavenly there.

Those are enough to prime the pump, do you have any that make you laugh when you hear them?

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Pitch said...

I always laugh when I hear "Are you sowing the seed of the King Dumb Brother..."

Family Fun and Faith said...

lol, trey p! Do you hve more than one Dumb Brother?

I hope all is well with you and the flamingo!