Thursday, April 19, 2007

Field Day

My grandsons are in kindergarten and first grade. Today was Field Day at their school. I signed up to volunteer with whatever they needed me to do. I was assigned to conduct a relay race. As each class came to my station they were divided into two teams. Each student was then in-line to compete in this relay. First they had to take a rubber chicken and run to a box. They had to deposit the chicken in the box as they extracted the burlap bag that was in the box when they got there. They were to get in the burlap bag and hot to a circle, which was actually a hula hoop lying on the ground. Once inside the circle they shed their burlap bag, then ran and jumped a hurdle. After the early had to pick up a hockey stick and used it to manipulate a soccer ball around the cone that marked the end of the course. Then they brought the ball back to the spot they picked it up. They left the ball and ran back, hurdling the obstacle to the circle where they had left their bag. They donned their bags again, and hopped back to the box where they had deposited the chicken. Again they shed their bags, and picked up their chickens and raced back to the next contestant online. I had 13 classes come through my station.

I'm tired!

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