Thursday, October 18, 2007

Student Loans

Ideally one can get a college education in four years, and then spend a couple of years in graduate school getting the degree that will help them to advance his career more quickly. But even at that, with the cost of higher education skyrocketing, most students cannot afford to go to school without some financial aid.

Many take out a student loan for every semester they're in school. So at the end of six years when they finally go into the job market they are strapped on with several long for their education. It is intimidating at best. Most would benefit from student loan consolidation.

Student loan consolidation allows a college graduate to pay off his debt with one payment per month rather than several. Quite often the one payment is less than the total of the multiple payment.

So whether you you have unburdened by private student loans or government-sponsored loans you should check into consolidation.

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