Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Reviewing BlogSire.com

When I started blogging, part of the reason was that I was lured by the opportunity to make some extra money by writing. For most of the first year, I was not successful in making money, though I had developed a consistent readership. Recently I began venturing into some other options that have actually made a significant increase in my income. It is just enough to whet my appetite for more and better ways to add to the cash flow.

I recently found a site that is a great example of a writer who is “blogging the money way”. BlogSire.com/myblog is an attractive site, and yet filled with sources of income for the writer, Sire. He has obviously done a lot of work in setting up his blog, which is powered by WordPress. He has posts that offer tips for successful blogging, as well as articles for which he has been paid by a variety of sources. He has added affiliate programs and widgets and Adsense ads.

If you want to see how a blog that makes money looks, go by BlogSire. You will be impressed!

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